The Spin 15 mirror allows you to observe what is happening behind you to increase your safety despite its small 15cm² mirror. Suitable for road cycling, it can be rotated 360° to adapt to the rider’s position. Foldable for easy storage or protection in tight spaces, it is easily mounted by inserting the bracket inside the handlebars at the end of the handlebars. Reversible, it can be placed on the right or left side of the handlebars.
Sport use on road bikes:
Discret, lightweight and suitable for curved handlebars
Solid mirror:
The mirrors are made of unbreakable ABS chrome and therefore have no risk of breaking in the event of fall
Triple adjusment:
Orientation tailored to your position.
Can be attached to either side of the handlebar
Foldable- can be tucked away under the handlebar:
Storage and protection of the mirror